Banchloro -20
Chlorpyrifos 20% EC
Chemical Composition:
- Chlorpyrifos Technical (94% w/w): 21.50% w/w
- Emulsifier:
- Anionic (Calcium Alkyl Aryl Sulphonate): 6.00% w/w
- Non-Ionic (Polyoxyethylene Ether): 6.00% w/w
- Solvent (Aromex): 72.50% w/w
- Total: 100.00% w/w
Direction of Use: Please refer to the enclosed leaflet for detailed instructions.
- Keep away from food, food containers, and animal feed.
- Avoid contact with mouth, eyes, and skin.
- Do not inhale spray mist; apply spray in the direction of the wind.
- Wash contaminated clothes and body parts thoroughly after spraying.
- Avoid smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing during spraying.
- Wear full protective clothing while mixing and applying.
- Administer atropine immediately and continue with repeated doses of 2-4 mg of atropine sulfate intravenously every 5-10 minutes. A total of 25-50 mg of atropine may be required in a day. Adjust doses based on symptoms, with salivation as a key indicator.
- Dissolve 1-2 gm of 2-PAM in 10 ml of distilled water and administer slowly intravenously over 10-15 minutes.
First Aid:
- If swallowed: Induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat until the vomit is clear. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious.
- If clothing and skin are contaminated: Remove contaminated clothes and wash skin with soap and water.
- If eyes are contaminated: Flush eyes with saline or clean water for 10-15 minutes.
- If inhaled: Move the patient to fresh air.
Symptoms of Poisoning: Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, diarrhea, convulsions, excessive sweating, lacrimation, and salivation may occur.
Recommendations: Recommended for controlling a variety of pests including hispa, leaf roller, gall midge, stem borer in paddy; aphids, bollworms, whitefly, and cutworms in cotton; as well as insects in vegetables and fruits. Also effective in termite control in buildings, wood, seed treatment, and soil treatment.