Bandhan Agritech Private Limited

Banchloro -20

Availability: In Stock

Chlorpyrifos 20% EC 

Chemical Composition:

  • Chlorpyrifos Technical (94% w/w): 21.50% w/w
  • Emulsifier:
    • Anionic (Calcium Alkyl Aryl Sulphonate): 6.00% w/w
    • Non-Ionic (Polyoxyethylene Ether): 6.00% w/w
  • Solvent (Aromex): 72.50% w/w
  • Total: 100.00% w/w

Direction of Use: Please refer to the enclosed leaflet for detailed instructions.


  1. Keep away from food, food containers, and animal feed.
  2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes, and skin.
  3. Do not inhale spray mist; apply spray in the direction of the wind.
  4. Wash contaminated clothes and body parts thoroughly after spraying.
  5. Avoid smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing during spraying.
  6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and applying.


  1. Administer atropine immediately and continue with repeated doses of 2-4 mg of atropine sulfate intravenously every 5-10 minutes. A total of 25-50 mg of atropine may be required in a day. Adjust doses based on symptoms, with salivation as a key indicator.
  2. Dissolve 1-2 gm of 2-PAM in 10 ml of distilled water and administer slowly intravenously over 10-15 minutes.

First Aid:

  1. If swallowed: Induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat until the vomit is clear. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious.
  2. If clothing and skin are contaminated: Remove contaminated clothes and wash skin with soap and water.
  3. If eyes are contaminated: Flush eyes with saline or clean water for 10-15 minutes.
  4. If inhaled: Move the patient to fresh air.

Symptoms of Poisoning: Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, diarrhea, convulsions, excessive sweating, lacrimation, and salivation may occur.

Recommendations: Recommended for controlling a variety of pests including hispa, leaf roller, gall midge, stem borer in paddy; aphids, bollworms, whitefly, and cutworms in cotton; as well as insects in vegetables and fruits. Also effective in termite control in buildings, wood, seed treatment, and soil treatment.

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